While trivial issues of whether the toilet seat stays up or down will always exist, there are several other more important ways your home could be creating unnecessary tension in your relationships. If you’re looking to purchase a new home, you have the chance to avoid this by being careful about your purchasing decisions. Below are a few tips to help you create a peaceful home.
Location, Location, Location
The location of the property in relation to your daily commutes is one of the most important factors to consider. Since most of us work a forty-five-hour week. Spending just one additional hour in traffic on the way to and from work pushes this total up to fifty-five hours out of the 120 available hours in any given workweek. These long days increase moodiness and fatigue which makes couples more prone to arguments. Beyond this, with so little time left in the evenings to see to unavoidable household tasks, it also becomes near impossible for you to connect with your family during the week. The location of a property, therefore, plays a huge role in your happiness.
Under Pressure
The next thing you should consider is the affordability of your home loan instalments along with the corresponding monthly rates and taxes. Financial pressure is often one of the leading causes of tension in relationships. If you are unable to afford the monthly expenses the property incurs, then you should consider more affordable options or look into downsizing which may relieve the financial pressure. A property professional with good knowledge and experience will be able to guide you in the right direction when considering affordability.
Influential Individuals
Finally, it is easy for us to be influenced by those we spend a lot of time around. Put more simply, “keeping up with the Joneses” is a real subconscious battle with which we all struggle. Allowing yourself to be influenced by the appearance of your neighbour’s home can cause your household to fight over things like unnecessary renovations or costly additions to the home. For homeowners who are particularly prone to these kinds of pressures, it is important to carefully weigh up the value of the upgrade against the financial burden it will carry before going ahead with these kinds of household projects.
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