The chance of home burglary is something we all hope to avoid. That’s why it’s important to consider how a criminal might view your property to identify any weak spots that could make your home a target. Try to view your home through the eyes of a burglar to identify some of the potential threats to your home security.
Below are a few tips on how to help you protect your home by thinking like a burglar:
Avoid making yourself a target
Burglars often evaluate the exterior of a house to determine if the contents will be of a higher value to them. To avoid making your home a target, keep the front of your home as low-key as possible. You don’t want to leave anything that a burglar might find tempting in plain sight. So, if you drive an expensive car, keep it parked inside the garage instead of in the driveway.
Be careful who you let in
In many cases, home invaders have already been inside your home before, perhaps as a delivery guy claiming to need the bathroom and conveniently leaving the bathroom window slightly ajar to allow for an easier return. You should always be extra cautious when allowing a stranger to enter your home. And always be sure to check that all entry points are secure after the person has left.
Keep things out of view
Burglars are not shy to look into your windows, so ensure that you evaluate what’s visible within your home from street view. Take a moment to look through your windows in the front rooms of your home to see what criminals can see if they were to peep inside, being sure to keep anything tempting out of plain sight. As a deterrent, plant thorn bushes in the flower beds in front of your windows.
Consider how easy the burglary would be
An ideal home for burglars would be in a lifeless neighbourhood, with good hiding spots and escape paths. Most burglars are looking for a home they can break into that’ll be quick, easy, and let them go by undetected. They may even monitor your home to learn your schedule, allowing them the opportunity to test your entry points. Investing in security features (like security gates, burglar bars, and an alarm system) can deter potential criminal activity.
Final advice
Being aware of the factors that attract criminals is the first step towards protecting your home. The next best step would be to look at your home’s security and think about how to upgrade. If you’re looking for a new home, don’t forget to mention to your real estate professional that good security features and a safe neighbourhood are high priorities to you.
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